The 2024 Kurri Kurri Nostalgia Festival caught on Fuji Superia 100 film


If ever you're looking for a fun couple of days, and you live within a cooee of the Hunter Valley, then you should look up the Kurri Kurri Nostalgia Festival.  It's a fun weekend for those 50's and 60's nostalgic memories with live Rock & Roll bands, Classic Cars and Motorcycles, Hot Rods and Fashion. The cars have a Show and Shine, there is quality retro markets, lots of food and entertainment. The best thing is that; it is free (unless you are attending any of the indoor shows in which case you can buy tickets online).

The Main Street is closed off for the occasion and two stages are constructed for the numerous bands performing. At each stage there is a removable dance floor set up where everyone can have a dance as the bands rock out. There is a fashion show for those who have gone to a lot of trouble to dress up.

I try and get there each year.  In keeping with the nostalgia theme, I take a film camera along and spend quite a few hours of street photography just roaming up and down. The people who dress up in the fashion of those times are very willing to have their photos taken and there are some really beautiful restored cars, highly polished awaiting to be photographed as well. The car owners are more than happy to chat about their pride and joy.

It's a good day! You can bring your dogs on leash but, the asphalt on the road will get very hot for their feet, so bear that in mind.

I shot the event with a Canon EOS 300 and swapped between a Canon 50mm f1.4 and Canon 85mm f1.8. It was good to use these fast lenses to capture people walking past and also get a shallow DOF for car badges and interiors. I loaded up with expired Fuji Superior 100. Fuji discontinued the Superia 100 around about 2009 but, although expired, the film has been kept frozen and still maintains its fine grain and amazing colour. Like most negative films it has a good exposure latitude which comes in handy when shooting in bright daylight outside or under a store overhang along a footpath. On this day I used the AE (Aperture Priority) mode when shooting. It's easy to change the Aperture when I have to and I can get quick photos without having to set up in Manual.

You can also see my photos on Instagram ( or on Facebook at so head on over to either (or both) and give me a follow; the more the merrier!

Stay well friends!

These photos are Copyright ©Life with Jordy Photography

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