Wednesday 31 December 2008


Today would have been Dads' 92nd birthday. He has been gone, but not forgotten for the past 12 years.

Born in Casino NSW, his father Julian died when he was 3 months old and his mother Clara took the family and moved to her fathers hotel at Tabulam. Incidentally, Julian & Clara were first cousins. Sounds unheard of these days, but in 1894 I guess it wasn't considered odd as it would be these days.

When he left school he worked with the 'travelling picture shows' (remember that Australian movie - "The Picture Show Man" ?) That took him to the Lyric Theatre in Tenterfield where he was the projectionist.

He was also an honorary bearer for the Tenterfield Ambulance, and when WWII broke out he joined the RAAF as a Medical Orderley. He served at Darwin during the bombing, a base in west QLD with Special 'Z' forces, Rathmines flying boat squadron at Lake Macquarie, Temora in west NSW to name just a few.

I can remember one night when he came home from his customary beer at the local, with an exciting bit of news. He and the local Beaudesert taxi driver (I think his surname was Radke) had been talking about their service during the war. Dad mentioned that when he was in Darwin, he was the orderley who took delivery of the first Japanese POW to arrive on Australian soil for transport to the RAAF Hospital because he was badly wounded. Imagine his surprise when Mr Radke said that he and his Army mates had loaded that same prisoner onto the Catalina flying boat! I think that probably prompted another round!

Dad left the RAAF after the war and worked in small Ambulance stations in country areas before moving to Beaudesert where he met Mum. They were married in Sep 54. Dad stayed with the Ambulance until his retirement in about 1983.

He passed away on the 23 Dec 96 after an apparent allergic reaction to a changed medication he was taking.

This photo that I have put in here is taken when Dad was about 3 years old, sitting on the steps of the Tabulam Hotel and playing with his favourite toy, an ambulance. It is quite fitting considering his lifetime career was in that field.

Love to all


Wednesday 24 December 2008

Moving right along..................


received the official 'OK' email today, saying that our transfer to Newcastle has been approved! We just have to negotiate the exact dates.

AT LAST! sometimes I think the waiting is the worst.

We r all organized for Christmas, looking forward to 5 days off now, having a cuppla drinks and giving out some gifts to my wonderful family!

Although the for sale sign is up, the house is 'not quite' on the market yet. We have to wait for the contracts to be drawn up before it can be properly advertised. Our solicitor is on a break over the festive season and back in early January so we have a little time to just veg out before we have to keep the place looking like a Beverly Hills display home!!

For my overseas friends, I am on Facebook now, so check out the weird and wonderful goings on of the Jordans. Search for Pete Jordan; u cant miss my bald head, goatee and 2 earrings on my photo! Seems a bit odd perhaps that I have this blog AND a facebook page, but facebook is much more informal and has easier interaction between friends than a blog. Besides, not everyone has a facebook account.

A Good Excuse!

  I can't believe that I have not posted anything for 3 months! It's not that I have been having a Photographers Block or anything l...