Another year older............
Yes friends, the Jordster is another year older. The 17th of July was the fateful day that I popped into the world. In another year I will be 50 - only the half way mark if I get my say about it!!
I had a great day, thanks to by beautiful loving family! Also, I was very spoiled! From Kim I received a wide angle lens for my camera. It's very exciting because it gives me heaps more options for my photography. Rhiannan and Kasey both gave me books on photography. Rhiannans is about Macro and Close Ups and Kaseys is about creating ambience and moods through the use of filters and computer software. Lachlan gave me a very cool Led Zeppelin watch!! It has one of their record covers on the face; it hasn't been that long since I rocked and rolled!! We went out to the Victoria Hotel for dinner and had a ball. Lachlan and Kassandra talked Kim and I into having a cuppla 'shots' after dinner. Shots are like miniature cocktails, very potent and taste great! Just the thing to warm us up on a cold night!
A beautiful day in Wagga Wagga today, the sun is shining but it is still very cold out.
We are all well, life is busy but never too busy for fun and laughter!
As it is my birthday, I thought I might put on a photo of a much younger me! This photo was taken at Glenmore. Not sure how old I am here.
Love to all
I had a great day, thanks to by beautiful loving family! Also, I was very spoiled! From Kim I received a wide angle lens for my camera. It's very exciting because it gives me heaps more options for my photography. Rhiannan and Kasey both gave me books on photography. Rhiannans is about Macro and Close Ups and Kaseys is about creating ambience and moods through the use of filters and computer software. Lachlan gave me a very cool Led Zeppelin watch!! It has one of their record covers on the face; it hasn't been that long since I rocked and rolled!! We went out to the Victoria Hotel for dinner and had a ball. Lachlan and Kassandra talked Kim and I into having a cuppla 'shots' after dinner. Shots are like miniature cocktails, very potent and taste great! Just the thing to warm us up on a cold night!
We are all well, life is busy but never too busy for fun and laughter!
As it is my birthday, I thought I might put on a photo of a much younger me! This photo was taken at Glenmore. Not sure how old I am here.
Love to all
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