WANTED – 1 New Body


As long as it is in better condition than mine at the moment!!   I went walking the other day after we had had some light rain.   Neighbours drive down the hill is a painted driveway and as soon as my foot touched it I went arse over tit!   I’ve bruised all my ribs and it hurts like shit to cough, sneeze and laugh!!   Grow old gracefully?……bullshit…..nuthin’ graceful about me fallin’ over the other day  hahahaha!!!   I guess at least I still have my sense of humour!   Winking smile

Poor Kim is in the same boat sort of.   She was walking Barney the day before yesterday and he hasn’t quite learned how to walk at a normal pace yet.   He walks like a bull at a gate and goes off in every direction; have nose with travel!!   Kim has had a sore neck for the last cuppla days and we think she may have strained a muscle from trying to keep Barney on a close leash!   I hope he will pick it up soon though, he is growing quick and he will be a handful on the leash at full size!!

Kasey is home crook today.   There is a stomach bug thingy going around her workplace.   She was up all night and had to take the day off today.   Her boss phoned and told her to take tomorrow off as well because one of the other staff members has come down with the same bug!   One of the joys of working in child care I guess! 

We are so proud of Kasey; she works long hours and then comes home to do her assignments for her traineeship.   On top of that there are extra mandatory training sessions that she has to attend every so often at the training rooms so she has heaps on her plate at the moment.

Rhiannan is going camping over the Easter long weekend!   This will be a new experience for her!  

Lachlan and his girlfriend Naomi have been getting around a bit.   A cuppla weeks ago they spent the weekend in Sydney and then spent another weekend in the Blue Mountains.   

                                                         1st colour experiment

I have been taking advantage of the many photography tutorial sites on the web.   I save the page and then visit it at my leisure.   The last one I visited was about creating layers for photos and adding colour to black and white photos.   Here is an example of one of my experiments.  

Kim and I will have the place to ourselves this Easter long weekend!   Kasey will be with Matt in QLD, Lachlan will be visiting Naomis’ family in Crescent Head and Rhiannan will be camping.    Looking forward to a peaceful weekend!   Hhmmmm……I’ll have to plan a romantic dinner menu!!

I guess I should blog a little more often than what I do.   That way I don’t have to catch up with too much stuff since the last one!!

Hope you’re all well!

Lurv to all


